Eliška Kubíková

Comenius University

Professor Surgery

Surgery, since 2005 Associate Professor at the Anatomical Institute, Faculty of Medicine, Charles University (since 2009, head of the Institute); From r. 2011 Dean of the Faculty of Education of the Charles University for educational and training activities. She is a member of the Slovak Medical Society, Slovak Surgical Society, Slovak Anatomical Society and Honorary Member of the Hungarian Anatomical Society.

Research Intrest

surgery, anatomy

List of Publications
1. Čerpajme Z Minulosti, Ktorá Nás Navedie Na Budúcnosť. 2. Naše Glioblastómové Bunkové Línie 8- Mg-Ba A 42-Mg-Ba Dosiahli Svetový Referenčný Status. 3. Komparatívna Analýza Klonovaných A Neklonovaných Glioblastómových Bunkových Línií