Eldad Arie Hod

Associate Professor
Pathology and Cell Biology
Columbia University
United States of America

Professor Pathology

Eldad Arie Hod, is a Associate Professor in the Department of Pathology and Cell Biology, areas of interest are b how iron released from red blood cells cleared from the circulation following transfusion affects infectious risk in patients. He was awarded MD degree from Mt. Sinai School of Medicine.

Research Intrest

Pathology and Cell Biology

List of Publications
Hod EA, Zhang N, Sokol SA, Wojczyk BS, Francis RO, et al.(2010)Transfusion of red blood cells after prolonged storage produces harmful effects that are mediated by iron and inflammation. Blood 115: 4284-4892.
Hendrickson JE, Hod EA, Spitalnik SL, Hillyer CD, Zimring JC (2010)Stored murine HOD RBCs induce a stronger alloimmune response than freshly collected and transfused RBCs. Transfusion 50:642-648.