Edmund Au

Assistant Professor
Department of Pathology & Cell Biology
Columbia University
United States of America

Professor Neurology

Edmund Au, is working as Assistant Professor with research interest which focussed on cortical interneurons, a diverse population of locally-projecting GABAergic cells. They are involved in regulating spike timing, signal refinement and cortical oscillations, all of which are critical to normal brain function and primarily focused on how cortical interneurons wire into cortical circuitry developmentally, as well as their role in mental illness.

Research Intrest


List of Publications
Zimmers TA, Jiang Y, Wang M, Liang TW, Rupert JE, et al.(2017)Exogenous GDF11 induces cardiac and skeletal muscle dysfunction and wasting.Basic Res Cardiol 112:48.
Wong G, Au E, Badve SV, Lim WH(2017)Breast Cancer and Transplantation.Am J Transplant.
Zimmers TA, Jiang Y, Wang M, Liang TW, Rupert JE, et al.(2017)Erratum to: Exogenous GDF11 induces cardiac and skeletal muscle dysfunction and wasting.Basic Res Cardiol 112:53