Dritan Agalliu

Assistant Professor
Department of Pathology & Cell Biology
Columbia University
United States of America

Professor Neurology

Dritan Agalliu, is working as Assitant Professor with research interest which focused on understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms that regulate formation of the blood-brain barrier in the central nervous system ( CNS) using genetic approaches in mice, and the mechanisms of barrier breakdown in a variety of CNS diseases such as stroke and autoimmune diseases having symptoms that include blood-brain barrier failure, using genetic, molecular, cellular and imaging approaches.

Research Intrest

Neurology and Pharmacology

List of Publications
Daugaard I, Sanders KJ, Idica A, Vittayarukskul K, Hamdorf M, et al.(2017) )miR-151a induces partial EMT by regulating E-cadherin in NSCLC cells.Oncogenesis 6:e366