Dr. Wolfgang Marhold

Protestant Theology
University of Munster


1941 born in Frankfurt (Main) - Study: Protestant Theology and Social Sciences - 1. theol. Examination 1967 - 2. theol. Examination 1969 - Ordination: 1969 - 1970 Doctorate to Dr. theol. - 1970 - 2007 scientific assistant, academic council and academic councilor at the EMU

Research Intrest

Religious sociology and ethics

List of Publications
Together with Karl-Wilhelm Dahm: Theologie der Gesellschaft. The contribution of Heinz-Dietrich Wendland to the New Constitution of Social Ethics.
Bochum (2005) Eschatology and ethics. On the ethical theology of Wolf-Dieter Marsch, in: von Brocke, Manuela; Przybylsky, Hartmut, eds., Approaches to Protestant Social Ethics. A Workbook: 54-100.