Dr. Stefanie Pfister

Protestant Theology
University of Munster


Currently working as Professor at University of Munster. Born 1975, 1994-1998 Education and activity as a kindergarten teacher, among others at a school for the education of learning and education (Hamm) and in the Westphalian pupil institute for the blind and highly visually impaired (Soest), 1998-2002 Studies of Protestant Theology, German Studies and Sports Science for the Secondary I in Dortmund 2002 First state sex for Ev. Theology, German and Sports in Dortmund 2002-2003 Preparatory postgraduate studies in Dortmund 2004-2006 Graduate of the University of Dortmund, specializing in the humanities, social and cultural sciences 2006-2008 teacher in the preparatory service at the Realschule Münster-Wolbeck 2008 Second state sex in Münster 2008 PhD thesis phil. At the University of Dortmund 2008-2010 Teacher for the subjects Evangelical Religious Theory, German and Sports at the Erich-Klausener-Realschule in Münster Since 2/2010 Collaboration in the curriculum commission for the core curriculum of the Realschule, Evangelische Religionslehre at MSW in Soest 2010-2012 Research assistant at WWU Münster Since 2011 Lehrauftaufgaben at the University of Duisburg-Essen in the Department of Protestant Theology / Religious Education 2011-2012 Lehrauftaufgaben at the Technical University of Dortmund in the Department of Protestant Theology / Religious Education 2012-2015 Representation of the university professor for the subject Protestant Theology / Religious Education at the TU Dortmund 12/2013 Habilitation in the field of religious education with the Habilitationsschrift "Religion an Realschulen", WWU Münster 6/2014 Lecture course and preservation of the venia legendi für Religionspädagogik, WWU Münster 12/2014 Teacher for outstanding commitment to teaching at the TU Dortmund Since 1.2.2015 Realschullehrerin for the subjects Evangelische Religionslehre, German and Sports

Research Intrest

Development of religious education in the middle school system or at real schools, Conception of teaching materials for the Protestant school for secondary education, Religious Sociological: Movement of Messianic Jews in Germany, Questions of religious education

List of Publications
Religion at Realschulen - a historical-religious-educational analysis on the middle school system (work on practical theology 58), Leipzig 2015.
Messianic Jews in Germany. A historical and religious sociological study (dissertation dissertation), Münster ua 2008 (published 2015 in 2. updated edition).