Dr. Ruth Barton

Associate Professor
Film Studies
Trinity College Dublin


Dr Ruth Barton is a graduate of Trinity College Dublin (BA Mod) and of University College Dublin (MA, Film Studies). She holds a PhD from the NUI (Thesis title: 'From History to Heritage: Representations of History and the Past in Contemporary Irish Cinema'). She is the author of several books on Irish cinema and has co-edited a volume of essays on Irish Cinema and Television as well as being the author of many articles on Irish and British cinema. Her interests include Irish cinema, stardom and diaspora studies. She is editor of a collection of essays on Irish-American film and television and on the Irish in Britain. She has also written a critical biography of the film star, Hedy Lamarr, and of the Irish silent director, Rex Ingram. She appears regularly on radio as a film historian and film critic. She joined the staff of TCD in September 2007.

Research Intrest

Film. arts

List of Publications
The Ghost of the Celtic Tiger in, editor(s)Marisol Morales Ladron Juan F Elices Agudo , Glocal Ireland, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011, pp26 - 39
Neil Jordan: Superstition and Religion in, editor(s)Werner Huber Seån Crosson , Contemporary Irish Film, Vienna, Braumuller, 2011, pp105 - 114
Rocket Scientist! The Posthumous Celebrity of Hedy Lamarr in, editor(s)Su Holmes Diane Negra , In the Limelight and Under the Microscope, New York, London, Continuum, 2011, pp82 - 102
Drinking with McNulty: Irish American Identity and Spaces in The Wire in, editor(s)Kennedy, Liam Shapiro, Stephen , The Wire: Race, Class, and Genre, Ann Arbor, The University of Michigan Press, 2012, pp215 - 238
Barton, Ruth, Into What Future?, Short Film Studies, 4, (2), 2014, p153 - 156
Loss of Innocents: the Irish child and cinema in, editor(s)Luddy, Maria Smith, James M. , Children, Childhood and Irish Society, Dublin and Portland Or.,, Four CourtsPress, 2014, pp378 - 388
From Symbol to Symptom - Changing Representations of Fatherhood in Recent Irish Cinema in, editor(s)Holohan, Conn Tracy, Tony , Masculinity and Irish Popular Culture, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2014, pp183 - 194
Barton, Ruth, Rex Ingram, Visionary Director of the Silent Screen, Lexington, Kentucky, University Press of Kentucky, 2014, ix - 262pp
Ruth Barton, Haunted memories: Rex Ingram, Francis Hitchcock and World War One, Offaly Heritage, 8, 2015, p139 - 144
Ruth Barton, Every Plot Has a Story, Estudios Irlandeses, (10), 2015, p197 - 197
More Sax, Less Clannad": The Road to God Knows Where in, editor(s)Lance Pettitt Beatriz Kopschitz Bastos , Alan Gilsenan: The Road to God knows Where, Florianopolis, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, 2015, pp145 - 164
Ruth Barton, Mary R. Desjardins, Recycled Stars: Female Film Stardom in the Age of Television and Video, Journal of American Studies, 50, (1), 2016, pE15 - E15
The Ironic Gaze: Roots Tourism and Irish Heritage Cinema in, editor(s)Paul Cooke Rob Stone , Screening European Heritage, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, pp163 - 179