The Ghost of the Celtic Tiger in, editor(s)Marisol Morales Ladron Juan F Elices Agudo , Glocal Ireland, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011, pp26 - 39
Neil Jordan: Superstition and Religion in, editor(s)Werner Huber Seån Crosson , Contemporary Irish Film, Vienna, Braumuller, 2011, pp105 - 114
Rocket Scientist! The Posthumous Celebrity of Hedy Lamarr in, editor(s)Su Holmes Diane Negra , In the Limelight and Under the Microscope, New York, London, Continuum, 2011, pp82 - 102
Drinking with McNulty: Irish American Identity and Spaces in The Wire in, editor(s)Kennedy, Liam Shapiro, Stephen , The Wire: Race, Class, and Genre, Ann Arbor, The University of Michigan Press, 2012, pp215 - 238
Barton, Ruth, Into What Future?, Short Film Studies, 4, (2), 2014, p153 - 156
Loss of Innocents: the Irish child and cinema in, editor(s)Luddy, Maria Smith, James M. , Children, Childhood and Irish Society, Dublin and Portland Or.,, Four CourtsPress, 2014, pp378 - 388
From Symbol to Symptom - Changing Representations of Fatherhood in Recent Irish Cinema in, editor(s)Holohan, Conn Tracy, Tony , Masculinity and Irish Popular Culture, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2014, pp183 - 194
Barton, Ruth, Rex Ingram, Visionary Director of the Silent Screen, Lexington, Kentucky, University Press of Kentucky, 2014, ix - 262pp
Ruth Barton, Haunted memories: Rex Ingram, Francis Hitchcock and World War One, Offaly Heritage, 8, 2015, p139 - 144
Ruth Barton, Every Plot Has a Story, Estudios Irlandeses, (10), 2015, p197 - 197
More Sax, Less Clannad": The Road to God Knows Where in, editor(s)Lance Pettitt Beatriz Kopschitz Bastos , Alan Gilsenan: The Road to God knows Where, Florianopolis, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, 2015, pp145 - 164
Ruth Barton, Mary R. Desjardins, Recycled Stars: Female Film Stardom in the Age of Television and Video, Journal of American Studies, 50, (1), 2016, pE15 - E15
The Ironic Gaze: Roots Tourism and Irish Heritage Cinema in, editor(s)Paul Cooke Rob Stone , Screening European Heritage, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, pp163 - 179