Dr. Reinhard Muller

Protestant Theology
University of Munster


Academic education 2005 - 2008Habilitation in the Old Testament at the Protestant Theological Faculty of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich2001 - 2003PhD with Prof. Dr. Rudolf Smend at the Theological Faculty of the Georg-August-University Göttingen1993 - 2000Study of Protestant Theology in Oberursel, Göttingen and Munich Professional background since 2014Professor of Old Testament at the Faculty of Protestant Theology at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster2005 - 2014Scientific assistant at the Evangelical Theological Faculty of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich (Chair Prof. Dr. Christoph Levin)04. 2011 - 09. 2011Guest professor at the faculty of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin2003 - 2005Vicariate in Thiersheim (Fichtelgebirge) and Pfaffenhofen ad Ilm2000 - 2002Scientific Repetent in the Collegium Oecumenicum Munich

Research Intrest

Origins and transformations of the Jahw religion in the context of the North-West Semitic cultures, Poetry, form and tradition of the Psalms, Origins of the Old Testament Ominous Prophecy, The formation and theology of Deuteronomy, Editing and editing processes in the literature of ancient Judaism, Hermeneutics of the Old Testament