Dr Patrick Allington

Humanities and Creative Arts
Flinders University

Professor General Science

Patrick Allington has a BA (Hons), MA (Politics) and a PhD in Creative Writing, all from the University of Adelaide. He has taught in English, Creative Writing and Politics at the University of Adelaide, and is an experienced convenor of writing workshops, seminars and masterclasses of various sorts. His novel Figurehead (Black Inc. 2009) was longlisted for the Miles Franklin Literary Award, and his short fiction, essays, columns, profiles and extensive critical writings have been widely published in journals, magazines and newspapers. In the June 2011 edition of Australian Book Review he published a major essay on the Miles Franklin Literary Award. Patrick is co-editor of Griffith Review 55, 'State of Hope', on South Australia (to be published February 2017). Patrick haspreviously held positions as Book Reviews Editor for Transnational Literature and as Commissioning Editor of the University of Adelaide Press. He is an experienced editor who specialises in scholarly works and in fiction.

Research Intrest

Creative Writing Literary studies Political science

List of Publications
Allington, P.J. (2016). A Defence of Tempered Praise and Tempered Criticism in Book Reviewing. Australian Humanities Review, 60 pp. 141-156.
Allington, P.J. (2016). Review of Minh Bui Jones, Mekong Review, Vol.1, No.1 & No.2. Transnational Literature, 8(2)
Allington, P.J. (2016). Australian Literary Magazines as Sites of Dissent. Logos: Journal of the World Publishing Community, 27(1) pp. 53-62.
Allington, P.J. (2016). On the abolition of Question Time. Griffith Review, 51 pp. online.
Allington, P.J. (2017). God bless the footy: dissent and distractions. In Julianne Schultz and Patrick Allington, ed. Griffith Review 55: State of Hope. Melbourne, Victoria: Text Publishing, pp. 173-181.

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