Dr. Patricia M. Dilorenzo

Department of Integratiive Neurosciences
Binghamton University
United States of America

Professor Neurology

Dr. Patricia M. Dilorenzo's research interests lie in the area of neural coding in sensory systems, using the taste system as a model. Dr. Patricia M. Dilorenzo is working as Professor of Psychology at Binghamton University. She has done B.A. and PhD from University of Rochester. She got State University of New York Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities in 2007 and currently serving as director of the undergraduate Integrative Neuroscience Program.

Research Intrest

Neural code for taste in the brainstem of lean and obese rats; temporal coding of sensation.

List of Publications
Maier JX. Single-neuron responses to intraoral delivery of odor solutions in primary olfactory and gustatory cortex. Journal of neurophysiology. 2017 Mar 1;117(3):1293-304.
Weiss MS, Victor JD, Di Lorenzo PM. Taste coding in the parabrachial nucleus of the pons in awake, freely licking rats and comparison with the nucleus of the solitary tract. Journal of neurophysiology. 2014 Apr 15;111(8):1655-70.
Escanilla OD, Victor JD, Di Lorenzo PM. Odor-taste convergence in the nucleus of the solitary tract of the awake freely licking rat. Journal of Neuroscience. 2015 Apr 22;35(16):6284-97.