Department of Environmental Sciences
Castilla La Mancha University
My curriculum emphasizes the multidisciplinary nature of my academic and teaching training. I am a doctor in Environmental Sciences from the University of Alcalá de Henares and a graduate In Geography and History, with a specialization in Geography by the University of Alicante. My The first interests were directed at new technologies applied to the environment, Which led me to obtain a series of fellowships to initiate research at the CSIC With which I introduced myself in the techniques of photogrammetry, remote sensing and Geographical information (GIS). Then I studied doctorate at the University of Alcala de Henares, following the Teledetection and GIS program, which culminated in my dissertation and Initiation of the doctoral thesis. The thesis focused on the comprehensive study of fires In the northern part of Alicante between 1984 and 1994 by means of Landsat TM digital imaging. The thesis was developed in the Faculty of Physical Sciences of Valencia on receiving an FPI grant from the Generalitat Valenciana. At the end of the thesis, I linked with the University of Castilla - La Mancha through a Postdoctoral fellowship Associated with the European project LUCIFER focused on changes in land use and Occurrence of forest fires. In this way I started my research and Lecturer in the field of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, respectively.
Landscape Ecology. Study of landscapes disturbed by the action of man (Changes in land use, pollution ...) and forest fires.