Dr. Muhammd Lateef

Associate Professor
Department of Parasitology
University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences

Professor Microbiology

Prof/Dr. Lateef,Muhammad has received his PhD in Veterinary parasitology University of Agriculture,Faisalabad,Pakistan. Currently he is working as associate professor in university of veterniary & animal sciences, Lahore Pakistan.He has successfully completed his Administrative responsibilities as associate professor.

Research Intrest


List of Publications
Lateef,M. , Z. Iqbal., M.N. Khan, M.S. Akhtar and A. Jabbar, 2003. Anthelmintic Activity of Adhatoda vesica Roots. Int. J. Agri. Biol., 5:86-90 Iqbal,Z., M. Lateef. ,M. Ashraf., and A.Jabbar.,2004. Anthelmintic activity of Artemisia brevifolia in sheep. J. Ethno-pharmacol, 93 (2-3) : 256-268. Iqbal,Z., M.Lateef. ,M. N. N. Khan, G. Muhammad., and A. Jabbar., 2005. Temporal density of trichostrongylid larvae on a communal pasture in a sub-tropical region of Pakistan. Pakistan Vet. J., 25(2) : 87-91. Iqbal,Z., A.Jabbar., M.S. Akhtar., G. Muhammad., and M. Lateef. , 2005. Possible role of ehtnoveterinary medicine in poverty reduction in Pakistan: Use of botanical anthelmintics as an example. J. Agri. Sci., 1(2) 187-195.