Dr. Muhammad Hassan Mushtaq

Associate Professor
Department of Epidemiology & Public Health
University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences

Professor Pathology

Muhammad Hassan Mushtaq graduated as Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from College of Veterianry Sciences, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan in year 2000. Afterwards did M.Sc. (Hons.) in Veterinary Pathology from University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore in year 2003. he joined Hi-Tech Poultry Breeders Pvt Ltd and worked at farm and diagnostic laboratory of the company. He was awarded scholarship for PhD studies from overseas through Higher Education Commission of Pakistan in 2005 and completed doctoral degree in subject of Preventive Veterinary Medicine in year 2008 from P. R. China. His research work has been published in refereed journals including SCI listed journals and he has presented in international conferences. After completion of PhD in 2008, he worked as Assistant Professor in National Center of Excellence in Molecular Biology, University of the Punjab, Pakistan for one year. He worked on commercial production of Interferon by expressing the gene in bacateria. Then he joined his parent institution, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan in July 2010. As supervisor he produced 11 MPhil students and as member of supervisory committee he produced 19 MPhil students. Currently he is supervising 3 PhD students as supervisor and 3 PhD students as member. He has published 28 research articles, presented 24 research work results in scientific conferences. He attended 25 professional training courses from recognized institutions to explore research opportunities with solid foundations for successful research work. He is member of South African Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine and World Veterinary Poultry Association. He is member of Editorial board and review committee of International Journals.

Research Intrest

Epidemiology of Zoonotic diseases, Avian and Equine Influenza, Molecular Characterization and Phylogenetic analysis of different pathogens.

List of Publications
Khan A, Mushtaq MH, Ahmad MU, Chaudhry M and Khan AW. Prevalence of clinical mastitis in bovines in different climatic conditions in KPK, (Pakistan) (2015). Sci.Int.(Lahore) 27(3): 2289-2293.
Sami Ullah, Tariq Jamil, Muhammad Hassan Mushtaq, Muhammad Hassan Saleem. Prevalence of Brucellosis among camels in district Muzaffargarh Pakistan (2015). J. Inf. Mol. Biol 3(2): 52-56.
Li Yufeng, Zheng Fangyuan, Fan Baochao, Muhammad Hassan Mushtaq, Zou Yao, Jiang Ping. Development an indirect ELISA based on truncated S protein of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (2015). Canadian Journal of Microbiology 7:1-7.
Khattak I, Mushtaq MH, Ahmad MD, Khan MS, Chaudhry M, Sadique U Risk factors associated with Mycobacterium bovis skin positivity in cattle and buffalo in Peshawar, Pakistan (2016). Trop Ani Health & Prod Doi : 10.1007/s11250-015-0976-3.