Associate Professor
Jahangirnagar University


He studied anthropology in Jahangirnagar University and joined teaching profession in 2001, firstly in Rajshahi University for a brief period before joining his alma mater in 2002. He has PhD in Anthropology from the University of Kent at Canterbury, UK. His core research interest is in the area of ethnicity, identity politics and agency. His unpublished doctoral study is titled: “We are simple people": Ethnicity, identity politics and agency of adivasi people in Bangladesh. This study attempts to trace out how the category adivasi came into being, firstly in the colonial rhetoric and later in the eyes of the burgeoning middle class Bengali during the colonial period as an ‘other’ in its entirety. The study attempts to discursively map out what he call the making of Tribalism and its effects in Bangladesh. He has co-edited two books in Bengali. Both the books published in 2014 are on issues of ethnicity and emerging issues of adivasi identity formation and politics. He has a passion for musical instruments, love to play guitar when he have time and of course listening to music is his favorite passion!

Research Intrest

Ethnicity, identity politics, feminisms, Foucault's governmentality and its effect, transnational governmentality, post-modernism and post structuralism, neo-liberalism, postcolonial theories, adivasi right discourse and politics, the rights issues of the RMG workers in Bangladesh, NGOs etc

List of Publications
Sumon MH, Locating a ‘new’ politico-cognitive space in Anthropology: The question of self-identification of the Adibasi people in Bangladesh.
Sumon MH, Credit, Development and Women in Bangladesh: In quest of a theoretical framework.
Sumon MH, Adivasi land situation in northwestern Bangladesh: an exploration. The Journal of Social Studies Vol. 103, Journal of the Center for Social Studies, Dhaka.