Dr. Laura Madson

Associate Professor
New Mexico State University

Professor Psychiatry

Education: Ph.D., Social Psychology – Iowa State University,1996 M.S., Social Psychology – Iowa State University, 1993 B.A., Psychology and English – Luther College, 1991 Books Madson, L. (2016). Psychology for Everyday Life (3rd Ed, Revised printing). Kendall Hunt: Dubuque, IA. I created the book for use in my team-based learning Introduction to Psychology courses. To my knowledge, it is the only published textbook designed specifically for a team-based learning class. The book alternates between original reading assignments and in-class activities. All royalties go to the NMSU Psychology Department and are used to enhance student learning.

Research Intrest

Research in gender, teaching, and structure of the self-concept. Dr. Madson teaches introduction to psychology, the psychology of women, human sexuality and a graduate course in the teaching of psychology. Her research focuses on the scholarship of teaching and the psychology of gender.

List of Publications
Hughes, J. S., Gourley, M. K., and Madson, L. & LeBlanc, K. (2011). Stress and coping activity: Reframing negative thoughts.Teaching of Psychology, 38, 36-39.
Richardson, J., Trafimow, D., and Madson, L. (2012). Future health-related behavioral intention formation: The role of affect and cognition. Journal of Social Psychology, 152, 775-779.
Gray, Tara, A. Jane Birch and Laura Madson. (2013). “How Teaching Centers Can Support Faculty as Writers,” in Anne Ellen Geller and Michele Eodice, editors, Working with Faculty Writers, Utah State University Press.
Madson, L., Trafimow, D., Gray, T., and Gutowitz, M. (2014). What predicts use of learning-centered interactive engagement methods. Journal of Faculty Development, 28(2), 43-52.
Madson, L., Trafimow, D., and Gray, T. (in press). Faculty members’ attitudes predict adoption of interactive engagement methods. Journal of Faculty Development.