Research Director
Environmental Economics
Institute for Environmental research and Sustainable
Research Director at NOA, born in 1965, has a PhD in Dynamic Meteorology (University Clermont-Ferrand, 1993). She has acted as Research Associate at University Athens (Meteorology Laboratory, Physics Dept.) during the period 1993-1998, while since 1999 joined the National Observatory of Athens. She has almost 20 years of experience on numerical weather prediction. She has authored or co-authored 85 papers published in refereed international journals, and 4 book chapters in the fields of mesoscale meteorology, meteorological modelling, and study of severe weather events in the Mediterranean. She has worked extensively with a number of meteorological models (MM5, BOLAM, WRF, RAMS). She has participated in and/or coordinated a large number of national and EU funded projects. Since 2013 is a member of the International Science Steering Committee of HYMEX project and she is acting as Topical Editor of Annales Geophysicae.
Dynamic meteorology, numerical weather prediction, lightning meteorology, climatology, dynamics and societal impacts of severe weather phenomena. Scientific coordinator of operational weather prediction at NOA based on MM5, WRF and WRF-CHEM models and of the related activities. Scientific coordinator of the ZEUS lightning detection network