Dr. Kalpana Agarwal


Professor Biochemistry

Life Member, Indian Botanical Society.

Research Intrest

Plant Physiology and Biochemistry Plant Tissue Culture

List of Publications
Agarwal K (2014) Comparative Biochemical Analysis of Raw & Processed Soybean. J Science and Technology 3: 361-366.
Suman Krishania & Dr.Kalpana Agarwal (2012) Effect of increased Heavy Metals on the regeneration of Eleusine coracana. Inter J Environ & Animal Conservation 1: 34-43.
Suman Krishania, Pratibha Dwivedi & Dr.Kalpana Agarwal (2013) Strategies of adaptation and injury exhibited by plants under a variety of external conditions: a short review. Communicata Scientiae 4: 103-110.
Suman Krishania & Dr.Kalpana Agarwal (2013)Effect of Heavy Metal Stress on Callus Induction and Regeneration of Finger Millet( Eleusine coracana) (L.) Gaertn. Research J Recent Sciences 2: 24-28.
Agarwal K (2013) Cadmium Toxicity in Cereals- In vitro study.J Science and Technology 2: 38-42.
Suman Krishania & Dr.Kalpana Agarwal (2012) Effect of Cu and Zn concentrations with nutrient doses on callus induction and regeneration of finger millet (Eleusine coracana). World J sciences 2.
Suman Krishania & Dr.Kalpana Agarwal (2012)Effects of heavy metals on Eleusine coracana (L.)Gaertn. Research in Plant Biology 2.
Agarwal K (2011) Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Eleusine coracana(L.) Gaertn. Recent Advances in Plant Sciences.
Agarwal K (2004) Inorganic nutrient manipulation for highly improved in vitro plant regeneration in finger millet Eleusine coracana (L. ) Gaertn. J InVitro Cellular and Developmental Biology 40: 515-519.
Agarwal K (2001)In Vitro induction of enlarged apical domes, de novo differentiation of meristematic domes and formation of multiple shoots in finger millet, Eleusine coracana (L.) and crowfoot grass, Eleusine indica (L. ) Gaertn. Current Science- Cereal Rerearch Communication 18:11.
Agarwal K (1997) Plant regeneration on embryogenic callus of Finger millet, Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn. on higher concentration of ammonium nitrate as a replacement of NAA in the medium. J Plant Science 129: 101-111.

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