Department of Applied Physics
Castilla La Mancha University
Professor Jose Miguel Colino García graduated in Physical Sciences from the University Autonomous University of Madrid (1988) and then carried out a research doctorate in Complutense of Madrid, specializing in Electrical Superconducting Materials (1993). He then moves to the University of California at San Diego (USA) to Investigated in magnetoresistant metallic multilayers for two years, along with He teaches degree courses in Physics of Materials. Return to Madrid (Superior Council Of Scientific Research) and, shortly, it is established at the University of Castilla-la Mancha (UCLM) in Ciudad Real, being a professor of the Department of Physics Applied since 1997. In 2008 he moved to the Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Biochemistry (UCLM) in Toledo and directs the Laboratory of Fine Layers and Nanostructures of the Research institute INAMOL. At the moment he also participates in the Secondary Teachers and in the Interuniversity Master of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.
Nanostructured magnetic layers by ionic erosion, Nanoscale ripple formation