Dr. Iván Torres Galán

Department of Environmental Sciences.
Castilla La Mancha University


Iván Torres graduated in biology from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and Doctor in Environment by the University of Castilla - La Mancha. Currently works as Professor in the Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Biochemistry, where he participates in the Teaching of several subjects related to the area of ​​Ecology.

Research Intrest

Fire Ecology - Seed banks - Spatial patterns of vegetation and patterns of species distribution

List of Publications
Torres I, Urbieta IR, Moreno JM. Vegetation and soil seed bank relationships across microhabitats in an abandoned Quercus suber parkland under simulated fire.
Viedma O, Torres I, Pérez B, Moreno JM. Modeling plant species richness using reflectance and texture data derived from QuickBird in a recently burned area of Central Spain. Remote Sensing of Environment. 2012 Apr 16;119:208-21.
Céspedes B, Torres I, Urbieta IR, Moreno JM. Effects of changes in the timing and duration of the wet season on the germination of the soil seed bank of a seeder-dominated Mediterranean shrubland. Plant ecology. 2012 Jun 1;213(6):919-31.
Moreno JM, Torres I, Luna B, Oechel WC, Keeley JE. Changes in fire intensity have carry‐over effects on plant responses after the next fire in southern California chaparral. Journal of Vegetation Science. 2013 Mar 1;24(2):395-404.
Torres I, Céspedes B, Pérez B, Moreno JM. Spatial relationships between the standing vegetation and the soil seed bank in a fire-prone encroached dehesa in Central Spain. Plant ecology. 2013 Feb 1;214(2):195-206.