Environmental and Biochemistry
Castilla La Mancha University
Isabel Martínez Argudo graduated with an Extraordinary Prize in Biology for the University of Murcia in 1991. In this University she obtained her doctorate in the Genetics of the Department of Genetics and Microbiology. There she developed a keen interest in Gene regulation of biological processes as well as teaching. Her incorporation as Associate Professor and later Assistant in the Area of Genetics of the University of Alicante (1998-2002) allowed him to combine her two Great vocations, teaching and research. In 2002 he moved to the UK to Several postdoctoral stays, first to the prestigious Institute John Innes Center In Norwich (2002-2004) and subsequently to the Department of Biochemistry of the University of Bristol (2004-2011). Since 2011, she has been a Ph.D. Degree of Biochemistry of our faculty belonging to the area of ​​Genetics.
Regulation of bacterial pathogenesis mechanisms.