Dr. H.C. Micheal Beintker

Protestant Theology
University of Munster


Born in 1947 in Berlin, Abitur, 1965 in Jena, studies of theology in Jena 1965/66 and Halle / Saale 1966-1970, 1st Theological Examination in Halle / Saale in 1970, 2nd Theological Examination in Magdeburg, 1974. - Doctorate (1972) and Habilitation (1984) in Halle / Saale, 1972-1985 Research associate at the Faculty of Theology of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, then there lecturer, 1990 Appointed to the professorship for systematic theology in Halle, 1991 -92 Rector of Humanities in Halle, 1992-2015 Professor of Systematic Theology and Director of the Seminar for Reformed Theology at the University of Münster, 1999-2015 Chairman of the Mixed Commission on the Reform of the Theological Studies, 2001-2012 Co-President of the Council of the Evangelical Community Churches in Europe (CPCE), 2004 Dr. hc

Research Intrest

Theology of the Modern Age, especially Karl Barth and his environment