Dr. Hans Kraft

Human Genetics
Innsbruck Medical University

Professor Genetics

Experience: Professor, Medical University Innsbruck Stabstelle Hochschuldidaktik, UMIT - Private University of Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology GmbH, Hall in Tirol (2014-2015) Education: MME, Medical Education, University of Bern (2001 – 2003) Dr. phil., Chemie, under the auspices of the president of the republic, Leopold-Franzens University of Innsbruck ( 1972-1979)

Research Intrest

Structure, Function, and Genetics of Lipoprotein(a), Diversity of Clathrin Function: New Tricks for an Old Protein, Human Genetics and the Causal Role of Lipoprotein(a) for Various Diseases etc.

List of Publications
Tran US, Berger N, Arendasy ME, Greitemeyer T, Himmelbauer M, Hutzler F, Kraft HG, Oettl K, Papousek I, Vitouch O, Voracek M. Unto the third generation: evidence for strong familial aggregation of physicians, psychologists, and psychotherapists among first-year medical and psychology students in a nationwide Austrian cohort census. BMC medical education. 2017 May 3;17(1):81.