Dr. Georg Gosheger

University of Munster

Professor Orthopaedics

1978-1987 City Gymnasium Dortmund, 1987-1988 Supply company in Stade and Lüneburg 10/88 Matriculation course in medicine / Münster, 12/95 Dissertation: The diabetic osteoarthropathy of the foot "at the Department of Technical Orthopedics / University of Münster, Prof. Dr. med. R. Baumgartner, 07/95 AiP Surgery, Nordseeklinik Westerland / Sylt, 07/96 Research AiP University Clinic Orthopedics Münster, 01/97 scientific assistant Uni-Klinik Orthopädie Münster / tumor orthopedics and reconstruction of the extremities, 07/00 Specialist for orthopedics, 10/00 Oberarzt at the Clinic and Polyclinic Uni-Klinik Orthopädie Münster / Tumor-orthopädie und Extremitensrekonstruktion, 01/02 Section head tumor orthopedics and limb reconstruction with allocation of 6 staff posts, 01/03 completed habilitation procedure "Tumor Endoprosthetics - New Developments in Endoprosthetic Reconstruction", 07/05 Chief Executive Officer (DRG-Bauftragter, Personaloberarzt), 02/06 Specialist for orthopedics and accident surgery, special orthopedic surgery, 12/06 Chief Physician, Deputy clinic Director, 04/08 Reputation to the W3-Professur (successor Prof. Dr. med. Eulert) of the Uniklinik Würzburg, 1.9.08 Appointment as full university professor And Clinic Director of the Clinic and Polyclinic for General Orthopedics and Tumor Orthopedics

Research Intrest

Tumor orthopedics, Primary endoprosthetics, revisionary endoprosthetics, sports medicine, rehabilitation

List of Publications
Andreou D, Werner M, Pink D, Traub F, Gosheger G, et al. (2016) Histological response assessment following neoadjuvant isolated limb perfusion in patients with primary, localised, high-grade soft tissue sarcoma. Int J Hyperthermia 32: 159-164.
Beckmann K, Lange T, Gosheger G, Bövingloh AS, Borowski M, et al. (2016) Surgical correction of scoliosis in patients with severe cerebral palsy. Eur Spine J 25: 506-516.
Streitbuerger A, Hardes J, Gosheger G, Dieckmann R, Hoell S (2016) Knee salvage in revision arthroplasty after massive bone loss of the femur condyles (>=Engh III) with a single-modular-hinged knee revision implant. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg 136: 1077-1083.
Hoell S, Moeller A, Gosheger G, Hardes J, Dieckmann R, et al. (2016) Two-stage revision arthroplasty for periprosthetic joint infections: What is the value of cultures and white cell count in synovial fluid and CRP in serum before second stage reimplantation? Arch Orthop Trauma Surg 136: 447-452.
Andreou D, Gilg MM, Gosheger G, Werner M, Hardes J, et al. (2016) Metastatic Potential of Grade I Chondrosarcoma of Bone: Results of a Multi-institutional Study. Ann Surg Oncol 23: 120-125.