Department of Chemical Engineering
Castilla La Mancha University
Fabiola Martínez obtained the title of Chemical Engineer in 2001 in the University of Castilla-La Mancha, date from which it has been developing its Research and teaching activity in the field of Environmental Engineering in this university. sHe has worked on different research projects for Companies (PROMEK, ENERMES, REPSOL) and carried out two predoctoral stays in The groups of Professor A. Savall (Universié Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France, 2004) And Professor K. Scott (University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, Newcastle, United Kingdom, 2005). In 2007 she defended her doctoral thesis (with doctoral mention European) on the application of Electrochemical Engineering in the treatment of Industrial wastewater, under the direction of Pablo Cañizares and Manuel A. Rodrigo (Faculty of Chemical Sciences, UCLM). She later joined the Faculty of Environmental Sciences (Toledo, UCLM), and the chemical and environmental engineering group of Toledo, Which is dedicated to the study of supercritical technology and reactions to high pressure in Environmental applications. In 2008 she had a postdoctoral stay in the Professor M. Poliakoff (University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK), International reference in the field of supercritical fluid technologies. Her research career is the co-author of more than 25 articles published in Journals of international prestige (Journal Citation Report), and more than 45 Contributions to national and international scientific congresses.
Industrial wastewater treatment; Electrocoagulation of industrial waste water