Dr Deb Agnew

Senior Lecturer
Sport, Health and Physical Activity Education
Flinders University

Professor Healthcare

Deb is currently one of the lecturers in the Bachelor of Sport, Health and Physical Acvitity and teaches the topics Introduction to Sport and Physical Activity and Social Determinatns of Health. Her research is in the area of the sport, masculinity and retirement, particularly in Australian football. Deb's current research project is Building boys' resilience: exploring the link between sport, masculinities and mental health. She is a member of the SHAPE Research Centre

Research Intrest

The social construction of masculinity Men's Health Australian Rules football Sports Retirement Sport and Physical Activity Sport and Nutrition Masculinity Sports injury Health promotion Gender roles Physical activity

List of Publications
Agnew, D. and Drummond, M.J. (2015). Always a footballer? The reconstruction of masculine identity following retirement from elite Australian football. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 7(1) pp. 68-87.
Agnew, D.R., Henderson, P.E. and Pill, S.A. (2016). Boys need sport but…Competing barriers on the recognised need for sport and the barriers toward participation. Journal of Sports Pedagogy and Physical Education, 7(3) pp. 15-33.
Agnew, D., Pill, S.A. and Drummond, M. (2016). Investigating the elements that encourage or inhibit the participation of children and youth in Australian Football. Annals of Leisure Research, 19(1) pp. 27-46.
Agnew, D.R. and Pill, S.A. (2016). I Think It’s Going To Save Lives” Sport Administrator Perspectives on Youth Development Through Sport. The Sport Journal, 48(November)
Agnew, D.R., Henderson, P.E. and Woods, C. (2017). Ethics, integrity and well-being in elite sport: A systematic review. The Sport Journal, February