Dr. Christian Grethlein

Protestant Theology
University of Munster


Born on August 30, 1954 in Nuremberg, Germany 1973-78 Studies of the Evang. Theology and Philosophy in Munich, Göttingen, Erlangen 1977 Marriage with Beate Hannig 1978-80 Vicar in Munich 1980-84 Pastor and religious teacher in Regensburg 1983 Doctorate to Dr. theol. (University of Munich) 1984-88 Wiss. Assistant to the Seminar for Practical Theology of the University of Erlangen 1986 Habilitation as Dr. theol. habil. (Practical Theology) 1988-92 Lecturer and Professor of Practical Theology (focus: community building) at the Berlin School of Religious Studies 1992-97 Professor of Religious Education at the University of Halle-Wittenberg From 1.10.

Research Intrest

Theory of the Design of Christian Life

List of Publications
Grethlein Christian (2015) Supper celebrate in history, present and future. Leipzig.
Grethlein Christian (2015) Evangelical Church Law. An introduction. Leipzig.
Grethlein Christian (2016) Practical theology. 2nd edition of Berlin: de Gruyter.
Grethlein Christian (2016) An Introduction to Practical Theology: History, Theory, and Communication of the Gospel in the Present. Waco.