Dr Catherine Attard

Molecular Ecology
Flinders University

Professor Molecular Biology

Catherine is a Lecturer in Molecular Ecology at Flinders University in Adelaide SA, Australia. I am passionate about using the basis of all life, DNA, to aid in the conservation and management of species. I am currently teaching the 3rd year subject "Conservation and Ecological Genetics" and researching native freshwater fish in Australia and endangered blue whales in Australia and surrounding regions. Though, anything that screams 'conservation' or 'managment' and 'genetics' or 'genomics' will always immediately have my attention!

Research Intrest

I am passionate about using modern methods to answer ecological questions for management and conservation. My research predominately involves using the basis of all life, DNA, to aid in the management and conservation of native freshwater fish in Australia and endangered blue whales in the Southern Hemisphere.

List of Publications
Attard, C., Beheregaray, L.B., Jenner, C., Gill, P., Jenner, M., Morrice, M., et al. (2010). Genetic diversity and structure of blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus) in Australian feeding aggregations. Conservation Genetics, 11 pp. 2437-2441.
Teske, P.R., Rius, M., McQuaid, C., Christopher, S., Piggott, M., Benhissoune, S., et al. (2011). "Nested" cryptic diversity in a widespread marine ecosystem engineer: a challenge for detecting biological invasions. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 11(1) pp. 176-189.
Attard, C., Beheregaray, L.B., Jenner, C., Gill, P., Jenner, M., Morrice, M., et al. (2012). Hybridization of Southern Hemisphere blue whale subspecies and a sympatric area off Antarctica: impacts of whaling or climate change? Molecular Ecology, 21(23) pp. 5715-5727.
Attard, C., Beheregaray, L.B., Jenner, C., Gill, P., Jenner, M., Morrice, M., et al. (2015). Low genetic diversity in pygmy blue whales is due to climate-induced diversification rather than anthropogenic impacts. Biology Letters, 11(5) pp. Artle: 20141037
Attard, C., Moller, L.M., Sasaki, M., Hammer, M.P., Bice, C., Brauer, C.J., et al. (2016). A novel holistic framework for genetic-based captive breeding and reintroduction programs. Conservation Biology, 30(5) pp. 1060-1069.