Dr. Carmen Arribas Mocoroa

Department of Inorganic, Organic and Biochemical Chemistry
Castilla La Mancha University

Professor Biochemistry

Carmen Arribas Mocoroa graduated from the Faculty of Biological Sciences of the University Complutense of Madrid. She completed her doctorate at the Center for Molecular Biology of Autonomous University of Madrid, on the molecular characterization of Ubiquitin in Drosophila. In 1991 she joined the University of Castilla-La Mancha, obtaining the rank of Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in the Year 1994. Since joining UCLM, Carmen Arribas has developed her research work In the study of the molecular mechanisms that are altered with age and that are responsible for the onset of type 2 diabetes, as well as the role of Nutritional restriction in the restoration of these alterations.

Research Intrest

The research work of Carmen Arribas Mocoroa is carried out within the group of Research "Diabetes and Obesity with Aging", insulin resistance.

List of Publications
Gallardo N, Arribas C, Villar M, Ros M, Carrascosa JM, Martínez C, Andrés A. ObRa and ObRe are differentially expressed in adipose tissue in aged food-restricted rats: effects on circulating soluble leptin receptor levels. Endocrinology. 2005 Nov 1;146(11):4934-42.
Carrascosa JM, Ros M, Andrés A, Fernández-Agulló T, Arribas C. Changes in the neuroendocrine control of energy homeostasis by adiposity signals during aging. Experimental gerontology. 2009 Feb 28;44(1):20-5.
Horrillo D, Sierra J, Arribas C, García-San Frutos M, Carrascosa JM, Lauzurica N, Fernández-Agulló T, Ros M. Age-associated development of inflammation in Wistar rats: effects of caloric restriction. Archives of physiology and biochemistry. 2011 Jul 1;117(3):140-50.
M Carrascosa J, Andres A, Ros M, Bogonez E, Arribas C, Fernandez-Agullo T, J De Solis A, Gallardo N, Martinez C. Development of insulin resistance during aging: involvement of central processes and role of adipokines. Current Protein and Peptide Science. 2011 Jun 1;12(4):305-15.

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