Clinical Radiology
University of Munster
1986 Diploma in Chemistry, Eberhard-Karls-University, Tübingen, Germany; 1989 Ph.D. in Chemistry, Eberhard-Karls University, Tübingen, Germany; 1989-1990 Research Fellow in Chemistry, Institute of Organic Chemistry, University of Tübingen, Germany; 1990-1995 Research Associate, Massachusetts General Hospital, NMR Center, Boston, MA, USA with J.L. Ackerman, Ph.D. and L. Garrido, Ph.D. ;1995-2004 Assistant professor - experimental radiology, University of Münster; 1995-2004 Medical school, University of Münster; 2003-2004 Internship in surgery, internal medicine and dermatology, University Hospital Münster; 12/2004 Finals and approbation as medical doctor; 2005 MD.Thesis in Medicine, University of Münster, Germany; Since 2004 Associate professor – experimental radiology, University of Münster, head of research group: “Cognition & gender”
Investigation of sensory perception and processing of sensory information in the brain, influence of gender, hormones, age, disease (eg depression), Language recognition & learning; memory processes, Study of basic attention processes and their relevance for the mental “fitness” of elderly people and neurodegenerative diseases, Gender strategies, integration of gender into the national curriculum of the medical faculties.