David Moroney and Ann Devitt, Knowledge, Belief and Practice in Language Teacher Education: Integration and Implementation of Threshold Concepts over a teaching career, 5th Biennial International Threshold Concepts Conference, Durham, UK, 9-11 July, 2014
Activating empathy: Language teacher training through a Chinese course in, editor(s)Linda Mingfang Li and Minjie Xing , Innovation and Consolidation in Learning and Teaching Chinese, London, Sinolingua, 2014, pp74 - 85
Ann Devitt, Markus Lamest, Mairead Brady, Nicki Newman & Stephen Gomez, Marketing simulations: experiential learning in a simulated serious game for higher-order cognitive development, The Association of Business Schools 4th Annual Learning, Teaching and Student Experience Conference, , York, UK, April, 2015, pp1 - 3
Devitt, A. Brady M., Lamest, M., Dalton, G., Newman N and S Gomez , Serious Games in Marketing Education: Developing Higher Order Cognitive Skills through collaboration in a Simulation Game, , INTED 2015, 9th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Madrid, March , 2015
Mairead Brady, Ann Devitt, Markus Lamest, Stephen Gomez, Winner takes all? The role of gamification in learning and Higher Order Processing, Academy of Marketing Conference, Limerick, Ireland, 7-9 July, 2015
Ann Devitt, Melanie NÃ Dhuinn, Brendan MacMahon, Multilingualism challenges and opportunities in the Irish Post-primary education sector, American Educational Research Association Conference, Chicago, USA, 16-20 April, 2015
Ann Devitt, Semantic connectivity and high utility words in core reading program corpus, Society for the Scientific Study of Reading 2015 Conference, The Big Island, Hawaii, 15-18 July, 2015
Felicia, P., Neil Peirce, Mairead Brady and Ann Devitt(ed.), Irish Game Based Learning Conference, Proceedings of the 6th Irish Conference on Game-Based Learning, Trinity College Dublin, 6th, 1st and 2nd Septembe, 2016, 1-334 p
Gene Dalton and Ann Devitt, Gaeilge Gaming: Assessing how games can help children to learn Irish, International Journal of Game-Based Learning, 6, (4), 2016, p22 - 38
Gene Dalton and Ann Devitt, Irish in a 3D World: Engaging Primary School Children, Language Learning and Technology, 20, (1), 2016, p21 - 33
Devitt, A and Brady M., , Autonomy And Challenge In Simulation Games For Marketing Education, Irish Game based Learning Conference, Trinity College Dublin, 1st and 2nd Sept, 2016, pp1-4
Jameson, E. Brady, M., and Devitt, A, Towards A Framework For The Evaluation Of Digital Game-based Learning At The Third Level, Irish Game based Learning Conference, Trinity College Dublin, 1st and 2nd Sept, 2016, pp1-3
Kearns, M., Devitt, A., and Brady M., , Utilising an Assessment for learning (Afl) approach with large student cohorts in higher education settings,, ECER 2016, European Conference on Educational Research, University College Dublin, August 23 -26h, 2016, pp1 - 3
Knowledge, Belief and Practice in Language Teacher Education: Integration and Implementation of Threshold Concepts over a teaching career in, editor(s)Land, R., Meyer J.H.F. and Flanagan, M.T. , Threshold Concepts in Practice, Rotterdam, Taipei & Boston, Sense Publishers, 2016, pp309 - 320