Dr. Albrecht Beutel

Protestant Theology
University of Munster


1957 13 January: born in Göppingen (Württemberg) 1969 Freischwimmer 1975 2. Bundessieger in the Gustav Heinemann competition for the German school boy 1975 Driving license classes 1 and 3 1976 Abitur 1976-1982 Study of the Protestant Theology,German Studies and Philosophy in Tübingen and Zurich 1981 First State Examination for Lehramt at Gymnasien 1982 First Church Examination (Württembergische Landeskirche) 1982-1984 Teacher at the Schelztor-Gymnasium Esslingen 1984-1989 Assistant at the Protestant Theological Faculty, University of Tübingen 1989-1991 Vikariat in Kirchentellinsfurt (Wuerttemberg) 1990 Doctorate (Tubingen) 1991 Second church service examination and ordination (Württembergische Landeskirche) 1991-1998 Academic advice at the Protestant Theological Faculty (Institute for Late Medieval and Reformation) of the University of Tubingen 1995 Habilitation (Tubingen) since 1998 Professor For church history at theFaculty of Protestant Theology of the University of Munster 2001-2013: Head of the Research Center Spalding-Edition since 2014: Head of the Research Center Library of the Neology Critical Hybrid Edition Autumn semester 2016: Guest professor at the Faculty of Theology of the University of Basel

Research Intrest

Reformation Luther Lutheran Orthodoxy Enlightenment Spalding-Edition Church and Theology History of the 20th Century Sermon History Church Historiography Religion and Literature

List of Publications
Religion and enlightenment. Files of the First International Congress on the Exploration of Enlightenment Theology (Münster, 30 March to 2 April 2014), ed. By Albrecht Beutel / Martha Nooke (Colloquia historica et theologica 2), 2016
Albrecht Bags & Eberhard J. Nikitsch: "The supervisor is still obedient to it afford". Esslingen between the Emperor and the Republic (Esslinger Studien 19, 1980, 89105).