Éderson Akio Kido

Associate professor
Molecular biology and Bioinformatics
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco


Éderson Akio Kido Presently working as Associate professor of the Department of Genetics (Biological Sciences Center) of UFPE (Federal University of Pernambuco) and advisor in the postgraduate programs in Genetics, Biological Sciences (PPGCB-UFPE) and Biotechnology.He also participates in the "latu sensu" program in Molecular Biology of the University of Pernambuco (UPE). He works in the areas of Plant Genetics (emphasis on transcriptomics, data mining, gene expression, molecular markers and genetic mapping).

Research Intrest

Transcriptomics Data mining Gene Expression Molecular markers Genetic mapping

List of Publications
Silva RL, Silva MD, Ferreira Neto JR, Nardi CH, Chabregas SM, Burnquist WL, Kahl G, Benko-Iseppon AM, Kido EA. Validation of novel reference genes for reverse transcription quantitative real-time PCR in drought-stressed sugarcane. The Scientific World Journal. 2014 Jun 2;2014.
Silva RL, Silva MD, Ferreira Neto JR, Nardi CH, Chabregas SM, Burnquist WL, Kahl G, Benko-Iseppon AM, Kido EA. Validation of novel reference genes for reverse transcription quantitative real-time PCR in drought-stressed sugarcane. The Scientific World Journal. 2014 Jun 2;2014.
Andrade PP, Melo MA, Kido EA. Post-release monitoring: the Brazilian system, its aims and requirements for information. Transgenic research. 2014 Dec 1;23(6):1043-7.
Oliveira-Lima M, Benko-Iseppon AM, Neto JR, Rodríguez-Decuadro S, Kido EA, Crovella S, Pandolfi V. Snakin: Structure, Roles and Applications of a Plant Antimicrobial Peptide. Current protein & peptide science. 2016 Jun.

Global Scientific Words in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology