Deo Pal Singh

Chemistry and Physics
Banaras Hindu University

Professor Physics

I have done most of my research work in the field of Phonon Conductivity of Solids as a research scholar and post doctoral fellow. After joining as a permanent faculty member in 1982 I changed my research area to the theoretical study of photonic devices like solar cells and photo detectors. Presently I am working in the field of quantum well infrared photo detectors and photo refracting materials. In teaching I am interested in Electronic Devices, Circuits and Communication (both analog and digital) Semiconductor physics, Microprocessor, Microcontrollers and Microcomputers.Academic Qualifications: S. No. Degree Institution Year 1. B.Sc. Allahabad University 1967 2. M.Sc. Allahabad University 1969 3. Ph. D. Banaras Hindu University 1973

Research Intrest

Semiconductor physics, Microprocessor, Microcontrollers and Microcomputers.

List of Publications
Y.P.Joshi and Singh D.P. (1976) Phonon scattering relaxation time due to impurities with internal degrees of freedom. Phys. Rev. (USA) B14, 1733-1738.
Singh D.P. and Verma G.S. (1973) Simple variational calculation of thermal conductivity at low temperature. Phys. Rev.(USA) B8, 5563-5566.
Srivastava G.P. Singh D.P. and Verma G.S. 1972. Three phonon scattering strengths and Ziman limit of resistivity due to three -phonon scattering processes in Ge. Phy. Rev. (USA) B6, 3053-3055