Denise Nagle Bailey

Assistant Professor
La Salle University
United States of America

Professor Nursing

Denise Nagle Bailey’s area of clinical expertise is public health nursing. Dr. Bailey serves as Director of the La Salle Neighborhood Nursing Center (LSNNC), a grant-driven nursing center. Under her leadership, the LSNNC delivers quality public health education, health promotion, and outreach to the most vulnerable clients in the surrounding community. Dr. Bailey spent 30 years in a variety of research and nursing positions including Certified School Nurse (CSN), head nurse, and nursing supervisor. She has expertise in blood banking and pheresis procedures and has lectured extensively on these topics at medical centers throughout the United States. Dr. Bailey attended Widener University receiving degrees and certifications of BSN (1976), CSN (1996), M,Ed., (1998), and Ed.D., (2006). She earned a MSN in Public Health Nursing from La Salle University (2010). She is a member of Kappa Delta Pi, Phi Kappa Phi, and Sigma Theta Tau honor societies. Dr. Bailey has published in the International Journal for Human Caring, American Journal of Nursing, the Philadelphia Social Innovations Journal, PADONA Journal, and Pennsylvania Nurse. Her research interests include caring theory, vulnerable populations, and semiotics.

Research Intrest

Caring Theory, Public Health in the non-profit sector, Vulnerable populations; migrant populations

List of Publications
Redcay G. Creating Health Futures: An Innovative urse-Managed Transition Clinic for Adolescents and Young Adults with Special Health Care Needs.
Bailey D. Framing client care using Halldorsdottir’s theory of caring and uncaring behaviors within nursing and healthcare. International Journal for Human Caring. 2011;15(4):54-66.
Bailey DN, Dougherty A. A Nurse‐Led Wellness Program for Migrant Backstretch Workers. InNursing forum 2014 Jan 1 (Vol. 49, No. 1, pp. 30-38).
Bailey DN. Sharon Starr: an exemplar in public health nursing.