Computer Science
Colorado School of Mines
United States of America

Professor Computer Science

Dejun Yang is the Ben L. Fryrear Assistant Professor in Computer Science at Colorado School of Mines. He is the Director of the NEMOS(Networking and Mobile Sensing) Lab. As of Oct 2016, he has published more than 60 papers in top journals including IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, and IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, as well as prestigious conferences including ACM MobiCom, ACM MobiHoc, IEEE INFOCOM, and IEEE ICNP, and these articles have been cited more than 2000 times (per Google Scholar). He has received Best Paper Awards at GLOBECOM’15, ICC’12, ICC’11, and MASS’11, as well as a Best Paper Runner-Up at ICNP’10.

Research Intrest

Applied Game Theory, Incentive Mechanism Design, Algorithm Design, and Optimization, with the focus on applications to Networks, Mobile Sensing, Smart Grid, and Security and Privacy.