Dean Campbell

Chemistry and Biochemistry
Bradley University
United States of America


"Prior to coming to Bradley, Dr. Dean Campbell graduated from the University of Wisconsin – Green Bay with a B.S. in chemistry, where he worked with Drs. Jack Norman and Nancy Sell. He spent a summer revising technical training documents at the Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant in Kewaunee and worked in the ink and adhesives quality control lab at Moore Response Marketing Services. He then earned his M.S. and Ph.D. in chemistry at Northwestern University in Evanston, IL, working for Dr. Chad Mirkin, and enjoyed postdoctoral research at the University of Wisconsin – Madison, working for Dr. Art Ellis. Dr. Campbell joined the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Bradley University in 1998 as an Assistant Professor. He was promoted to Associate Professor in 2004 and then Professor in 2015. Dr. Campbell has done sabbatical research projects with Dr. Younan Xia at the University of Washington, Seattle, WA (2004-05), and Dr. Keith Stevenson at the University of Texas – Austin (2011-12). In 2014, he was awarded Illinois Heartland Local Section of the American Chemical Society 2013 Chemist of the Year and Illinois Heartland Local Section of the American Chemical Society 2014 Outreach Volunteer of the Year. He has been the co-author on 43 peer reviewed publications and 58 research presentations at off-campus venues. Dr. Campbell spends much of his free time with family activities. His hobbies include rock and fossil collecting and hiking and he assists in religious education at St. Anthony's Church in Bartonville, Ill."

Research Intrest

General Chemistry I & II and associated laboratory courses, Engineering Chemistry, Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry, Materials Chemistry and associated laboratory course (undergraduate and graduate), Environmental Chemistry (undergraduate and graduate)

List of Publications
Campbell DJ, Baliss MS, Hinman JJ, Ziegenhorn JW, Andrews MJ, Stevenson KJ. Simple methods for production of nanoscale metal oxide films from household sources. Journal of Chemical Education. 2013 Mar 14;90(5):629-32.
Campbell DJ, Peterson JP, Fitzjarrald TJ. Spectroscopy of Sound Transmission in Solid Samples. Journal of Chemical Education. 2014 Jul 8;91(10):1684-8.
Campbell DJ, Staiger FA, Jujjavarapu CN. Improvements to the Whoosh Bottle Rocket Car Demonstration. Journal of Chemical Education. 2015 Aug 24;92(10):1687-91.