David M. Cimbora

Biola University
United States of America

Professor Psychiatry

As Associate Dean of Doctoral Programs, Dr. Cimbora oversees the Ph.D. and Psy.D. programs in clinical psychology. In addition, he chairs the Admissions and Academic Qualifications Committee and oversees all American Psychological Association accreditation processes for both programs. He currently teaches Introduction to Psychopathology, Program Evaluation and Consultation & Criminal Forensic Psychology: Assessment & Integration. His clinical interests include couples and family therapy, and therapy with adolescents. His current research interests include criminal forensic psychology and multicultural issues.

Research Intrest

criminal forensic psychology, multicultural issue

List of Publications
Cimbora, D.M. & McIntosh, D.N. (2005). Understanding the link between moral emotions and behavior. In A.V. Clark (Ed.), Psychology of Moods. New York: Nova Science
Cimbora, D.M. & Krishnamurthy, R. (in press). The importance of client context. In S.Smith and R.Krishnamurthy (Eds.) Diversity-sensitive personality assessment. New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis
Cimbora, D.M. & Krishnamurthy, R. (in press). Asking difficult questions: Client definitions. In S.Smith and R.Krishnamurthy (Eds.) Diversity-sensitive personality assessment. New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis.