School Psychology, Counseling & Leadership
Brooklyn College
United Kingdom
David C. Bloomfield, professor of educational leadership, law & policy, joint appointment Ph.D. in Urban Education, CUNY Graduate Center. Founding Chair, Childhood, Bilingual, & Special Educ. Dept. and Program Head, Ed Leadership, Brooklyn College; Chair, Education Dept., College of Staten Island, CUNY. Author, American Public Education Law, 3rd ed. (Peter Lang, 2016), chapters and articles in fields of expertise, and hundreds of published columns and press comments for respected broadcast, print, and online sources. Elementary & secondary teacher with certification through District Supt.; general counsel, NYC Board of Education; general counsel and sr. educ. adviser, Manhattan borough president; Exec. Dir. for public educ. programs, NYC Partnership; Law Clerk, US Dist Ct., SDNY; Associate, Hogan Lovells; Asst. Corp. Counsel, NYC Law Dept.; Pres.t, Citywide Council on High Schools; Vice Chair, Literacy Assistance Center. NYS Distinguished Educator; Marquis' Who's Who.
Education law, legislation, politics, & policy at federal, state, and local levels; urban schools (esp. NYC); classroom management, curriculum & instruction, including technology; parent and community outreach; and school finance. Successful draft legislation: charter schools, parent rights. "Children's First" plan (MBPO, 1994) called "the single most substantial improvement in the governance of this city in decades."