David Bailey

B.S., Bates College; M.S., Dalhousie University; P
Hamilton University
United States of America


David Bailey's current research focuses on the history of igneous and tectonic activity in the northeastern United States and on the mineralogy of New York State. He is a recipient of National Science Foundation ILI and CCLI grants and is a research associate of the New York State Museum. Baily has written numerous peer-reviewed papers, conference abstracts and field trip guides. He earned his doctorate from Washington State University. His dissertation focused on geochemistry and petrogenesis of Miocene volcanic rocks in the Powder River Volcanic Field, northeast Oregon.

Research Intrest

History of igneous and tectonic activity in the northeastern United States Mineralogy of New York State

List of Publications
Lupulescu MV, Bailey DG, Hawkins M, Carl JD, Chiarenzelli JR (2014) The Benson Mines, St. Lawrence County, New York; History of the Discovery, Mining, and Mineralogy of the Deposit. Rocks & Minerals 89: 119-131.
McHone J.G, West D.P, Hussey A.M, Bailey D.G, (2014) The Christmas Cove dyke of coastal Maine, USA and regional sources for Early Mesozoic Flood Basalts in northeastern North America. Atlantic Geology 50: 66-90.