Assoc Professor
Management & Organisation
National University of Singapore


Associate Professor, NUS Business School, 2004 - current Visiting Associate Professor, NUS Business School, 2002 - 2004 Assistant Professor in Management, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, 1994 - 2002 Lecturer, Trinity Western University, Langley, B.C., Canada, 1993 - 1994 Visiting Lecturer, Czechoslovak Management Center, Celakovice, Czech Republic, Spring, 1993 Lecturer, University of California, Irvine, 1991

Research Intrest

Relational Models Of Interpersonal And Individual-organisational Attachment The Social Dynamics Of Trust, Distrust, And Justice In Organisations Interpersonal Helping And Organisational Citizenship Leadership

List of Publications
Disentangling role perceptions: How perceived role breadth, discretion, and instrumentality and efficacy relate to helping and taking charge, with Morrison, E.W., Turban D.B and Kamdar, D. (2007), Journal of Applied Psychology
Envy as Pain: Rethinking The Nature of Envy and its Implications for Employees and Organizations, with NARAYANAN, Jayanth (On Leave) and Tai, K (2012), Academy of Management Review, Vol. 37 Issue 1, 107
Abusive supervision through the lens of employee state paranoia, with Evelyn Meow Lan Chan (2014), Academy of Management Review, Vol. 39 Issue 1, 44

Global Scientific Words in Business and Management