Côté Anne-Marie C.

Regular Professor
Department of Medicine / Department of Nephrology
University of Sherbrooke

Professor Nephrology

Prof Côté Anne-Marie C. is working as regular Professor in University of Sherbrooke. Her research has included Proteinuria and renal dysfunction in pregnancy.

Research Intrest

The aim of the research program of the Pre Cote is to improve the evaluation and diagnosis of proteinuria and renal dysfunction in hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. Hypertension in pregnancy is the most common medical complication (approximately 10% of pregnancies) and preeclampsia (2-5%) is associated with severe maternal, fetal and neonatal complications

List of Publications
Kondapavulur S, Cote AM, Neumann KD, Jordan CD, McCoy D, Mabray MC, et al. Optimization of an endovascular magnetic filter for maximized capture of magnetic nanoparticles. Biomedical Microdevices [Internet]. Springer Nature; 2016 Nov 10;18(6).
Correa ME, Côté A-M, De Silva DA, Wang L, Packianathan P, von Dadelszen P, et al. Visual or automated dipstick testing for proteinuria in pregnancy? Pregnancy Hypertension: An International Journal of Women’s Cardiovascular Health [Internet]. Elsevier BV; 2017 Jan;7:50–3.
Guillemette L, Lacroix M, Allard C, Patenaude J, Battista M-C, Doyon M, et al. Preeclampsia is associated with an increased pro-inflammatory profile in newborns. Journal of Reproductive Immunology [Internet]. Elsevier BV; 2015 Nov;112:111–4.
Magee LA, Cote A-M, Joseph G, Firoz T, Sia W. Obstetric medical care in Canada. Obstetric Medicine: The Medicine of Pregnancy [Internet]. SAGE Publications; 2016 Jun 21;9(3):117–9.