Cristina Duarte Vianna Soares

Faculty of Pharmacy of UFMG
Department of Pharmaceutical Products
Federal University of Minas Gerais


Graduated in Pharmacy - habilitation Industry / Foods by UFMG (1989), obtained the title of Master in Pharmaceuticals and Medicines by the University of São Paulo (1993), the title of Ph.D. in Pharmaceutics by Temple University, Philadelphia, USA (2000). He completed sabbatical (12 months) in the Department of Chemistry (Analytical) of the University of Minnesota (2013-2014). Currently Associate Professor in the Pharmaceutical Products Department of the Faculty of Pharmacy of UFMG. He is active in the area of ​​Analysis and Control of Medicines, with previous experience in institutions such as the Ezequiel Dias Foundation (Belo Horizonte, MG), the Pharmaceutical Laboratory of the State of Pernambuco (Recife, PE) and Colgate-Palmolive (Osasco, SP). The main themes of quality control of drugs, medicines and cosmetics are: Development of analytical methods by HPLC, by visible ultraviolet (conventional, derivative) spectrophotometry, dissolution profile evaluation for pharmaceutical equivalence studies; polymorphism; Drug stability, inhaled efficacy. It is of interest in microbiological evaluation of pharmaceutical analyzes of plant extracts, characterization techniques such as infrared spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, thermal analysis, X-ray diffraction, laser diffraction granulometry, comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography.

Research Intrest

Health Sciences, Drug Production and Control.

List of Publications
SCHETTINO CÉSAR, JM; PETROIANU, A.; DE SOUZA VASCONCELOS, L .; CARDOSO, VN; OF THANKS MOTA, L.; BARBOSA, AJA; VIANNA SOARES, CD ; Page 2 Coconut Water Solutions for the Preservation of Spleen, Ovary, and Skin Autotransplants in Rats. Transplantation Proceedings , v. 47, p. 536-544, 2015.
SILVA, TD; TOLEDO, CR; VIANNA-SOARES, CD . Development and validation of alternative methods by non-aqueous acid-base titration and derivative ultraviolet spectrophotometry for quantification of sildenafil in raw material and tablets. Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences , v. 53, p. 1-12, 2017.
MACHADO, KAMILLA NUNES; FREITAS, ALINE ALVES DE; CUNHA, LUZIA HELENA; FARACO, ANDRÉ AUGUSTO GOMES; PÁDUA, RODRIGO MAIA DE; BRAGA, FERNÃO CASTRO; VIANNA-SOARES, CRISTINA DUARTE ; CASTILHO, RACHEL OLIVEIRA. A rapid simultaneous determination of methylxanthines and proanthocyanidins in Brazilian guaraná (Paullinia cupana Kunth.). FOOD CHEMISTRY , v. 239, p. 180-188, 2017.
SILVA, TD ; TOLEDO, CR; VIANNA-SOARES, CD . Development and validation of alternative methods by non-aqueous acid-base titration and derivative ultraviolet spectrophotometry for quantification of sildenafil in raw material and tablets. Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences , v. 53, p. 1-12, 2017.

Global Scientific Words in Pharmaceutical Sciences