Cristina Caldelas Molina

Plant Physiology
University of Barcelona

Professor Plant Sciences

Cristina Caldelas Molina is Professor from Department of Plant Physiology at University of Barcelona. Her topic of interest is Fisiological response of plants to the toxicity of metals and metallic nanoparticles; Phytoremediation; Non-conventional stable isotopes.

Research Intrest

Nanoparticles are particles less than 100 nm in diameter. Some of their physical and chemical properties are significantly different from the substances they are made from. This creates new materials of great commercial value, but unknown toxicity. The evaluation of nanoparticle uptake, toxicity, and accumulation in aquatic plants is essential. These plants have vital roles in the aquatic ecosystems and are widely used in water purification systems. To study plant’s response to metals and metallic nanoparticles we use a wide range of plant physiology, toxicology, microscopy, materials science, and stable isotope techniques. We count on the support of a multidisciplinary, intersectoral, and international board of expert collaborators.

List of Publications
Caldelas C, Bort J, and Febrero A. 2012. Ultrastructure and subcellular distribution of Cr in Iris pseudacorus L. using TEM and X-ray microanalysis. Cell Biology and Toxicology. Vol:28, ISSN:0742-2091, Pages:57-68. DOI
Weiss DJ, Boye K, Caldelas C, et al. 2014. Zinc Isotope Fractionation during Early Dissolution of Biotite Granite. Soil Science Society of America Journal. Vol:78, ISSN:0361-5995, Pages:171-179. DOI
Caldelas C and Weiss DJ. 2016. Zinc Homeostasis and Isotopic Fractionation in Plants: A review. Plant and Soil. En prensa.