Savage, C. R. & C. T. Palmer 2016 “Culture of Honor†In Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science. Todd K. Shackelford and Viviana A. Weekes-Shackelford, eds. Springer: New York.
Todd K. Shackelford and Viviana A. Weekes-Shackelford, eds. Springer: New York Rowles, J. & C. T. Palmer 2016 “Birth-Rights and Blood-Lines†In Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science. Todd K. Shackelford and Viviana A. Weekes-Shackelford, eds. Springer: New York.
Clark, K. J. & C. T. Palmer 2016 “Ancestor Worship†In Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science.
Lance Workman, Will Reader & Jerome Barkow, eds. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK. Coe, K., & C. T. Palmer In Press “Human Categories and Health: New Findings Regarding the Power of the Concept of Ethnicity.†In Fundamentals of Cancer Prevention, Fourth Edition.David S. Alberts & Lisa M. Hess, eds. Springer: New York
John Wiley & Sons: Oxford, UK. Palmer, C. T. & K. Coe In press “Evolution of the Human Family†In Cambridge Handbook of Evolutionary Perspectives on Human Behavior.
Begley, R. O., Palmer, C. T., & Coe, K. In Press. “Traditions, Social Categories, and Social Behavior†In A Companion to CrossCultural Research, Douglas R. White & E. Anthon Eff, eds.
Palmer, C. T. Submitted. “Can Evolutionary Theory Explain Morally Elevating Portrayals of the Righteous Among the Nations?†Journal of Positive Psychology.
Palmer, C. T., Begley, R. O., & Coe, K. Under Review. Once Upon a Time: How Traditional Stories, Art, and Ritual about Ancestors Shaped Human Social Behavior. Oxford University Press.
Shrell-Fox, P. & C. T. Palmer Submitted. “And It Shall Come to Pass: Judaism as an Explicit Long-Term Strategy to Leave-Descendants.†Psychology of Religion and Spirituality.
Palmer, C. T. In Preparation. “Whoever Saves (or Sacrifices) a Single Life: Natural Selection, Religious Traditions, and Long-Term Descendant-Leaving Success†Hebrew Translation, Proceedings of the Third Annual Symposium on Religion from an Evolutionary Perspective, December 28-29, 2016, Schechter Institute, Jerusalem, Israel.