Associate Professor
Department of Anthropology
Missouri State University


Ph.D. Anthropology Arizona State University, 1988. M.A. Anthropology Arizona State University, 1983. B.A. Anthropology University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, 1980. B.A. Geography and Environmental Sciences University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, 1980.

Research Intrest

Evolutionary Psychology

List of Publications
Savage, C. R. & C. T. Palmer 2016 “Culture of Honor” In Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science. Todd K. Shackelford and Viviana A. Weekes-Shackelford, eds. Springer: New York.
Todd K. Shackelford and Viviana A. Weekes-Shackelford, eds. Springer: New York Rowles, J. & C. T. Palmer 2016 “Birth-Rights and Blood-Lines” In Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science. Todd K. Shackelford and Viviana A. Weekes-Shackelford, eds. Springer: New York.
Clark, K. J. & C. T. Palmer 2016 “Ancestor Worship” In Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science.
Lance Workman, Will Reader & Jerome Barkow, eds. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK. Coe, K., & C. T. Palmer In Press “Human Categories and Health: New Findings Regarding the Power of the Concept of Ethnicity.” In Fundamentals of Cancer Prevention, Fourth Edition.David S. Alberts & Lisa M. Hess, eds. Springer: New York
John Wiley & Sons: Oxford, UK. Palmer, C. T. & K. Coe In press “Evolution of the Human Family” In Cambridge Handbook of Evolutionary Perspectives on Human Behavior.
Begley, R. O., Palmer, C. T., & Coe, K. In Press. “Traditions, Social Categories, and Social Behavior” In A Companion to CrossCultural Research, Douglas R. White & E. Anthon Eff, eds.
Palmer, C. T. Submitted. “Can Evolutionary Theory Explain Morally Elevating Portrayals of the Righteous Among the Nations?” Journal of Positive Psychology.
Palmer, C. T., Begley, R. O., & Coe, K. Under Review. Once Upon a Time: How Traditional Stories, Art, and Ritual about Ancestors Shaped Human Social Behavior. Oxford University Press.
Shrell-Fox, P. & C. T. Palmer Submitted. “And It Shall Come to Pass: Judaism as an Explicit Long-Term Strategy to Leave-Descendants.” Psychology of Religion and Spirituality.
Palmer, C. T. In Preparation. “Whoever Saves (or Sacrifices) a Single Life: Natural Selection, Religious Traditions, and Long-Term Descendant-Leaving Success” Hebrew Translation, Proceedings of the Third Annual Symposium on Religion from an Evolutionary Perspective, December 28-29, 2016, Schechter Institute, Jerusalem, Israel.