Cory Abate-Shen

Department of Pathology & Cell Biology
Columbia University
United States of America

Professor Pathology

Cory Abate-Shen, is a professor Professor of Urology and Pathology with researchinterest in understanding the relationship between the processes that control normal development and those that lead to cancer

Research Intrest

Urology and Pathology

List of Publications
Wang J, Abate-Shen C(2012)The MSX1 homeoprotein recruits G9a methyltransferase to repressed target genes in myoblast cells.PLoS One. 7:e37647
Wang J, Kumar RM, Biggs VJ, Lee H, Chen Y,et al(2011)The Msx1 Homeoprotein Recruits Polycomb to the Nuclear Periphery during Development.Dev Cell 21:575-588