Department of Police and Security Management
Berlin School of Economics and Law
"2010–2012: Vice-president of the Berlin School of Economics and Law (BSEL) 2005 and 2010: Offered professorial positions at the Universities of Applied Sciences in Hamburg and North Rhine Westphalia (offers rejected) Since 1999: Professor of Public and Administrative Law at the FHVR Berlin (now BSEL) 1997-1999: Research associate at the University of Bremen, Research Centre for European Environmental law 1993-1997: Lawyer in law firms specialising in civil law and environmental law in Bremen and Berlin 1991-1993: In-house counsel of Greenpeace Germany (registered association) 1990-1991: Expert adviser to the Senate Department for Urban Design and Environmental Protection in Berlin on energy law and atomic energy law 1989: Doctor of Laws with a thesis comparing from a legal point of view the supervision of electricity prices in the USA and Germany 1989-1990: Research associate at the ZIRP (Centre of European Law and Politics) in Bremen 1988: Licence to practise the law in Bremen (until 2007) 1980-1988: Studied Law in Bremen (single-phase legal training), Bologna/Italy and San Francisco/USA and qualified as lawyer "