Claudia A Doege

Assistant Professor
Pathology & Cell Biology
Columbia University
United States of America

Professor Biochemistry

"Claudia A. Doege, is a Associate Professor at Pediatrics and of Pathology & Cell Biology, with research interest in creation of a series of human hypothalamic cell types from patient-specific induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC)"

Research Intrest


List of Publications
Obrig H, Hirth C, Junge-Hülsing JG, Döge C, Wenzel R,n et al.(1997)Length of resting period between stimulation cycles modulates hemodynamic response to a motor stimulus. Adv Exper Medi Biol 411:471-480.
Obrig H, Hirth C, Junge-Hülsing JG, Döge C, Wolf T, et al.(1996)Cerebral oxygenation changes in response to motor stimulation.J Applied Physiol (Bethesda) 81:1174-1183.
Obrig H, Wolf T, Döge C, Hülsing JJ, Dirnagl U, et al.(1996)Cerebral oxygenation changes during motor and somatosensory stimulation in humans, as measured by near-infrared spectroscopy. Adv Exper Medi Biol 388:219-24

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