Principal Investigator
Molecular Neurobiology
The Instituto de Neurociencias de Alicante
Degree: Medicine, by Universidad de Alicante, July 1983 Ph.D program: PhD thesis at Department of Pharmacology and Neurochemistry, Universidad de Alicante between June 1985 and January 1988. Doctorate in Medicine by Universidad de Alicante, January 1988, Posdoctoral Positions: - Servicio de Farmacología Clínica, Clínica Universitaria de Navarra (Pamplona, España), from February 1988 to October 1988. - Nuffield Department of Anaesthesia, John Radcliffe Hospital, University of Oxford, y Oxford Regional Pain Relief Unit (Oxford, United Kingdom), from November 1988 to January 1991. - Oxford Pain Research Group, Churchill Hospital, University of Oxford (Oxford, United Kingdom), from March 1997 to July 1997. Previous positions: - Predoctoral fellow Generalitat Valenciana (1985-1988) - Postdoctoral fellow GV (1988-1989), Mº EyC (1989), CEE (1990) - Profesor Ayudante LRU (1988-1989) - Profesor Interino EU (1989-1990) - Profesor Titular EU (1990-1994) - Profesor Titular Universidad (1994-....) Current Position: Profesor Titular de Universidad de Farmacología e Investigador del Instituto de Neurociencias (UMH-CSIC) at Universidad Miguel Hernández (España).
Research Fields: - Opiate and pain pharmacology - Systematic Reviews in Pain and analgesics - Clinical research in Pain: Analgesic Clinical Trials