Chu Chen

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Rearch Center
United States of America

Professor Oncology

Chu Chen has done her Postdoc Research Associate at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and completed her Postdoc Fellow also at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Biochemistry Oncology

Research Intrest

Etiology of tobacco-related cancers (head and neck cancer, lung cancer)  Etiology of hormone-related cancers (breast, endometrium, prostate, testes)  Prognostic gene signatures for oral cancer.

List of Publications
Xu C, Liu Y, Wang P, Fan W, Rue TC, Upton MP, Houck JR, Lohavanichbutr P, Doody DR, Futran ND, Zhao LP, Schwartz SM, Chen C, Méndez E. Integrative analysis of DNA copy number and gene expression in metastatic oral squamous cell carcinoma identifies genes associated with survival. Mol Cancer. 2010; 9:143. PMID: 20537188, PMCID: PMC2893102
Lohavanichbutr P, Houck J, Fan W, Yueh B, Mendez E, Futran N, Doody DR, Upton MP, Farwell DG, Schwartz SM, Zhao LP, Chen C. Genome-wide gene expression profiles of HPV-positive and HPV-negative oropharyngeal cancer: potential implications for treatment choices. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2009; 135(2):180-8. PMID: 19221247, PMCID: PMC2761829
Mendez E, Houck J, Doody D, Lohavanichbutr P, Fan W, Rue TC, Yueh B, Futran ND, Upton M, Farwell DG, Heagerty PJ, Zhao LP, Schwartz SM, Chen C. A genetic expression profile associated with oral cancer identifies a group of patients at high-risk of poor survival. Clin Cancer Res. 2009; 15(4):1353-61. PMID: 19228736, PMCID: PMC2683360. 
Chen Y, Chen C. DNA copy number variation and loss of heterozygosity in relation to recurrence of and survival from head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: a review. Head Neck. 2008; 30(10):1361–83. PMID: 18642290, PMCID: PMC3220418
Chen C, Méndez E, Houck J, Fan W, Lohavanichbutr P, Doody D, Yueh B, Futran ND, Upton M, Farwell DG, Schwartz SM, Zhao LP. Gene expression profiling identifies genes predictive of oral squamous cell carcinoma. GEO Data Repository: GSE30784. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2008; 17(8):2152–62. PMID: 18669583, PMCID: PMC2575803.Â