Chris Hayward

Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Canary Center at Stanford
United States of America

Professor Psychiatry

He is a professor in Med Center Line, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences.He got Faculty Scholars Award, William T. Grant (1995).He was Selected as Educators for C.A.R.E. Program Faculty Member, Stanford University School of Medicine (2008).He was the leadership in Education Award, Stanford University School of Medicine (2008)and (2009).He got Golden Apple Award for Professor of the Year, Stanford University/Palo Alto University Consortium (2010)

Research Intrest

Emergence of internalizing disorders during adolescence.

List of Publications
Gershon A, Hayward C, Schraedley-Desmond P, Rudolph KD, Booster GD, Gotlib IH. Life stress and first onset of psychiatric disorders in daughters of depressed mothers. Journal of psychiatric research. 2011 Jul 31;45(7):855-62.
Arnow BA, Blasey CM, Hunkeler EM, Lee J, Hayward C. Does gender moderate the relationship between childhood maltreatment and adult depression?. Child maltreatment. 2011 Aug;16(3):175-83.
Mogg K, Wilson KA, Hayward C, Cunning D, Bradley BP. Attentional biases for threat in at-risk daughters and mothers with lifetime panic disorder. Journal of abnormal psychology. 2012 Nov;121(4):852.